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Privacy and Cookie Policy

INFORMATION ON THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATAThis document ("Information") intends to provide information regarding the processing of the information that you will provide to the Data Controller and processed by it for the purposes indicated in this document. The information is provided pursuant to EU Regulation no. 679/2016 (“GDPR”), articles. 13, and subsequent national adaptation regulations (together with the GDPR “Applicable Regulations”).Identity and contact details of the Data Controller.The Data Controller, i.e. the legal person that determines the purposes and means of processing personal data, isHotel Europa Via IX Traversa 1248015 Milano Marittima Tel.0544991551 - Cell.3470119577 info@hoteleuropamilanomarittima.itEuropa S.R.L.S Via IX Traversa 12 48015 Cervia VAT number: 02760280392Categories of personal data processed.Within the limits of the purposes and methods described in this Policy, information may be processed that can be considered as: a) "Data of a common nature", which includes your personal details, those of the people staying with you, your bank details , your contact details, billing data (such as, for example, but not limited to, mobile number, residence or domicile address, e-mail address); b) “Special Data” as characterized, pursuant to applicable legislation, by a particular nature; by way of example, reference is made to those who are able to provide information on the state or conditions of the user's health, religious or philosophical beliefs (art. 9 of EU Regulation 679/2016).For convenience of reference, within this Policy, the expression "Personal Data" must be understood as a reference both to all your Data of a common nature and Special Data, unless otherwise specified.

  1. Purpose, legal basis of processing and retention period.The Personal Data collected will be processed for the purposes and under the legal bases set out below:3.1 to execute pre-contractual measures (such as, for example, the request for information or a quote), for the management of your contractual relationship relating to the hotel and/or restaurant service, to acquire and confirm your booking of accommodation and ancillary services, and to provide the requested services. You may decide to provide the Data Controller with Special Data in order to report a need relating to your health, such as, for example, allergies, pathologies, and/or food or other intolerances, i.e. those data which reveal conditions relating to health protection.Since these are treatments necessary for the definition of the contractual agreement, for its subsequent implementation, and/or to perform the services requested by you, you are free to provide your Personal Data, however in case of failure to provide them we will not be able to confirm the reservation and/or provide you with the requested services.Legal basis of the processing: execution of pre-contractual measures at the request of the interested party; execution of a contractual relationship of which the interested party is a party. Consent of the interested party in case of provision of Particular Data.Storage period: for this purpose, your data will be stored for the entire duration of the relationship and subsequently for 10 years (the time required for ordinary prescription). Any Special Data provided by you will be kept exclusively for the time strictly necessary to carry out the requested service, unless you give us consent to keep them for a longer period;

3.2 to fulfill the obligation provided for by the "Consolidated law on public security laws" (article 109 R.D. 18 June 1931, n. 773) which requires us to communicate to the Police Headquarters, for public security purposes, the details of customers accommodated according to the methods established by the Ministry of the Interior (Decree 7 January 2013).The provision of data is mandatory as it derives from a legal obligation. In case of refusal to provide it, we will not be able to accommodate it in our facility.Legal basis of processing: execution of legal obligations.Retention period: for this purpose, the data acquired are not retained by us after the termination of the relationship referred to in point 3.1, unless you provide us with consent to storage as provided for in point 3.5;3.3 to fulfill current administrative, accounting and tax obligations.The provision of data for this purpose is necessary for the conclusion of the contract. In case of refusal to provide the data necessary for the obligations indicated above, we will not be able to provide the requested services.

Legal basis of the processing: execution of a contractual relationship, execution of legal obligations.Storage period: for these purposes, your data will be stored for the time required by the respective regulations;3.4) to provide services aimed at customer satisfaction, carried out at your request, regarding your need and/or preference, such as, for example, a preferred room or floor for accommodation, presence of objects and/or other. For this purpose you may decide to also provide the Data Controller with Special Data. These categories of data may be processed by the Data Controller only with your free and explicit consent.Legal basis of the processing: your consent.Retention period: for this purpose, the data acquired are not stored by us after the termination of the relationship referred to in point 3.1, unless you give us your consent to storage.3.5) to speed up the hotel registration procedures in the event of your subsequent stays at our hotel. For these purposes, upon acquisition of your consent which can be revoked at any time, your data, provided for the categories of data and purposes referred to in points 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3, will be used when you become our guest again.Legal basis of the processing: your consent.

Storage period: for this purpose your data will be stored for a maximum period of 10 years3.6) to guarantee the application of the services referred to in purpose 3.4 (aimed at achieving customer satisfaction) in the event of your subsequent stays at our hotel facility. For these purposes, upon acquisition of your consent which can be revoked at any time, your data will be used when you become our guest again.Legal basis of the processing: your consent.Storage period: for this purpose your data will be stored for a maximum period of 10 years,3.7) for the purposes of protecting people, property and company assets through a video surveillance system of some areas of the structure, identifiable by the presence of specific signs. Your consent is not required for this processing, as it pursues our legitimate interest in protecting people and property from possible attacks, thefts, robberies, damages, acts of vandalism and for fire prevention and workplace safety purposes.The provision of data for this purpose is necessary for the conclusion of the contract since in the event of your lack of consent you will not be able to access the hotel facility.Legal basis of the processing: legitimate interest of the Data Controller to protect people and property from possible attacks, thefts, robberies, damages, acts of vandalism and for fire prevention and workplace safety purposes.Retention period: for this purpose, the recorded images are deleted after 24 hours, except on holidays or other cases of business closure, and in any case no later than one week. They are not subject to communication to third parties, except in the case in which it is necessary to comply with a specific investigative request from the judicial authority or judicial police.3.8) to carry out the function of receiving messages and telephone calls addressed to you during your stay. For this purpose, your consent is required. You can revoke your consent at any time.

Legal basis of the processing: your consent.Retention period: for this purpose your data will be retained until your departure from the hotel.3.9) for marketing purposes and therefore to send you promotional communications and newsletters, to send you updates on the rates and offers practiced by the Data Controller, communications relating to events organized by the Data Controller. Your data may be processed by the Data Controller for this purpose only with your free and explicit consent, which can be revoked at any time.Legal basis of the processing: your consent.Storage period: for this purpose your data will be stored for a maximum period of 10 years.3.10. To carry out direct marketing activities, aim to offer you services similar to those already purchased or for which you have already shown interest/or made requests for information or quotes previously. In this regard, you always have the right to object to processing at any time. This opposition will not prevent you from using the service referred to in the purposes referred to in point 3.1) and any further ones possibly chosen by you.Legal basis of the processing: legitimate interest of the Data Controller to carry out direct marketing contacts in case of interest already expressed by the customer or potential customer for the services offered by the Data ControllerStorage period: for this purpose your data will be stored for a maximum period of 1 year.3.11. To allow the Company to carry out surveys aimed at improving the quality of the service provided ("Customer Satisfaction").Legal basis of the processing: legitimate interest of the Data Controller to verify the quality of the contractual service provided to the Customer.Retention period: for this purpose, your data will be retained for the maximum period necessary for the overall evaluation of the owner's investigation.Provision of personal data.

The provision of data for the purposes specified in this information is mandatory and/or necessary exclusively in the cases expressly indicated as such in point 3, as it concerns essential data for the conclusion of the contract and/or to carry out pre-contractual measures or to comply to legal obligations. In case of lack of consent to the provision of such data, even partially, the contract cannot be concluded and/or executed.Unless expressly specified, the provision of data is optional and failure to consent will have the sole consequence of not being able to use the purpose described (for example, your data will not be stored in the event of future stays, you will not receive promotional communications, ..) .Data processing methodsThe processing of Personal Data will take place using manual, IT or telematic tools, suitable to guarantee its security and confidentiality and will be carried out by personnel duly trained in compliance with the Applicable Regulations.Data access. Recipients of the treatment.Your data may be made accessible for the purposes indicated in this document:– to employees and collaborators of the Data Controller in their capacity as persons in charge in compliance with the requirements of the GDPR, external data processing managers, system administrators/IT experts;– to third-party companies or other subjects who collaborate with the Data Controller in the fulfillment of the contract and/or limited to the purposes indicated above (for example, credit institutions, professional firms, consultants, insurance companies for the provision of insurance services, freight forwarders etc.). The data controllers are expressly appointed by the owner on the basis of a written agreement pursuant to art. 28 of the European Regulation.The updated list of external managers is available at the registered office of the data controller. At any time you can request the updated list by contacting the data controller at the addresses and contacts indicated in this document.

The information may also be communicated whenever communication may be necessary to comply with requests from the Judicial or Public Security Authorities. The data collected will under no circumstances be disclosed. In this regard, we would like to point out that in the case of an overnight stay at this facility, the Data Controller, pursuant to current Italian legislation, is obliged to transmit the data of the people staying at the facility for the night to the aforementioned authorities.Data transfer.Personal data is stored on servers located in Italy, and in any case within the European Union. In any case, it is understood that the Owner, if necessary, will have the right to move the servers even outside the EU. In this case, the Data Controller hereby ensures that the transfer of non-EU data will take place in compliance with the applicable legal provisions, subject to the stipulation of the standard contractual clauses provided by the European Commission.Rights of the interested party.We would also like to inform you that under the GDPR you have the right to:ask the data controller for access to personal data and request confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal data;obtain information regarding the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated and, when possible, the retention period;obtain the rectification of data concerning him without unjustified delay;obtain the deletion (right to be forgotten) of the data without unjustified delay if no longer necessary, incomplete, incorrect or collected in violation of the law;obtain the integration of incomplete personal data, also by providing a supplementary declaration, taking into account the purposes of the processing;obtain the limitation of the processing or oppose the processing;object, at any time, to processing for direct marketing purposes;

  1. object, at any time, to the processing of data, based on legitimate interest, to monitor Customer Satisfaction;obtain data portability, i.e. receive them from a data controller, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, and transmit them to another data controller without impediments;withdraw your consent at any time, if this constitutes the basis of the processing. However, the revocation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent carried out before the revocation itself;oppose an automated decision-making process relating to natural persons, including profiling, and, in such cases, receive significant information on the logic used, as well as the importance and expected consequences of such processing for the interested party;lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Privacy Guarantor);We also inform you that the aforementioned rights may be exercised by means of a written request addressed without formalities to the Data Controller at the contacts indicated in points 1.The Data Controller must do so without delay and, in any case, at the latest within one month of receiving the request. The deadline may be extended by two months, if necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of requests received by the Data Controller. In such cases, the Data Controller will inform you and inform you of the reasons for the extension within one month of receiving your request.


Cookie policy

1. Introduction This Cookie Policy applies to the Hotel Italia Cervia website and aims to provide users with all information relating to the cookies used and the purposes for which they are used. By using our website, you accept the use of cookies in accordance with this Cookie Policy. 2. What are cookies? Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your device when you visit a website. The next time you access the site, the cookies are sent back to the originating site or to another site that recognizes that cookie. 3. Types of cookies used Our site uses different types of cookies: Technical cookies: They are essential for the correct functioning of the site and allow, for example, navigation between pages or access to protected areas. Without these cookies, we cannot provide some services. Analytical cookies: They help us understand how users use our site so we can improve it. For example, they tell us which pages are the most visited, whether users are receiving error messages and help us test different layouts for the site. Profiling cookies: They are used to present content more suited to the user and his interests. They can be used to show targeted advertisements or to limit the number of times an advertisement is shown. 4. Third Parties We also use third-party cookies to improve the quality of our site and offer additional features: Google Analytics: Helps us monitor and analyze user behavior on the site. Social Media: Cookies from platforms such as Facebook or Twitter allow us to share the contents of our site. 5. Management of cookies Most browsers allow you to manage, disable or delete cookies through their settings. However, by disabling cookies, some features of the site may not work properly. You can find information on how to manage cookies in your browser in the following links: Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Safari Internet Explorer Microsoft Edge 6. Updates and Changes The Cookie Policy may be modified based on new regulations, or to provide further information on new practices relating to the use of cookies on the site. We therefore invite users to consult this page regularly.
